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Access Control

We recently improved this API so it’s easier to program, and makes it harder to introduce security gaps in your system. If you were using it prior to September 1st 2022, you will need to now configure access control for your operations.

The access property of the list configuration object configures who can query, create, update, and delete items in your Keystone system. The access property of the field configuration object configures who can read, create, and update specific field values of an item.

import { config, list } from '@keystone-6/core';
import { text } from '@keystone-6/core/fields';
export default config({
lists: {
ListKey: list({
fields: {
fieldName: text({ access: { /* ... */ }, }),
access: { /* ... */ },

List Access Control

Keystone provides support for access control and filtering on a per-list basis.

There are three types of access control that can be configured on the access object:

  • operation, functions that provide the context and session to help decide if a request should be granted access to the list; this happens prior to any GraphQL query being executed.
  • filter, functions which return a filter that is applied to database queries on this list.
  • item, functions that provide the context and session to determine if a request can execute the respective mutative action.

Each of these types of access control are applied before hooks.

Please note that Keystone does not automatically configure nor leverage database row security policies or row level security

If you are happy to allow all parts of a list to be accessible you can use:

import { config, list } from '@keystone-6/core';
import { allowAll } from '@keystone-6/core/access';
export default config({
lists: {
ListKey: list({
access: allowAll,

Access denied: Mutations return null data with an access denied error. Queries never return access denied errors, and instead treat items as if they didn't exist.

If access is denied due to any of the access control methods, the following responses will be returned from the GraphQL API:

  • Mutations
    • Single operations return null and an access denied error.
    • Multi operations return a data array with null values for the items which have access denied. Error responses are returned for each null item.
  • Queries
    • Single item queries return null with no errors.
    • Many item queries filter out items which have access denied. No error responses are returned.
    • Count queries will only count those items for which access is not denied. No error responses are returned.


Operation-level access control lets you control which operations can be accessed by a user based on the session and context. Individual functions can be provided for each of the operations. All operations must be configured.

These functions must return true if the operation is allowed, or false if it is not allowed.

import { config, list } from '@keystone-6/core';
export default config({
lists: {
ListKey: list({
access: {
operation: {
query: ({ session, context, listKey, operation }) => true,
create: ({ session, context, listKey, operation }) => true,
update: ({ session, context, listKey, operation }) => true,
delete: ({ session, context, listKey, operation }) => true,

If you are happy setting all of them to true, you can set it for all operations with:

import { config, list } from '@keystone-6/core';
import { allowAll } from '@keystone-6/core/access';
export default config({
lists: {
ListKey: list({
access: {
operation: allowAll

If you want to set all but one operation to true, you can do so using allOperations and denyAll from @keystone-6/core/access such as:

import { config, list } from '@keystone-6/core';
import { denyAll, allOperations } from '@keystone-6/core/access';
export default config({
lists: {
ListKey: list({
access: {
operation: {
// hint: unconditionally returning `true` is equivalent to using allowAll for this operation
query: ({ session, context, listKey, operation }) => true,

The query access control is applied only when running GraphQL query operations. A user can still read fields as part of a return query when using a mutation operation (create, update or delete). If you want to limit access to fields, use field access control.


Filter-level access control lets you restrict which items can be operated on by providing a function which returns a GraphQL filter.

  • For mutations, the access control filter will be combined with the unique identifier provided to the operation, and access will be denied if no item is found with this combined filter.
  • For queries, the access control filter will be combined with the query filter and only items which match both filters will be returned.

In general, the filter access control functions will return GraphQL filters. They can also return boolean values true or false to match or exclude all items.

Each filter type defaults to an empty filter, unless configured.

import { config, list } from '@keystone-6/core';
import { checkbox } from '@keystone-6/core/fields';
export default config({
lists: {
ListKey: list({
fields: {
isReadable: checkbox(),
isUpdatable: checkbox(),
isDeletable: checkbox(),
access: {
filter: {
query: ({ session, context, listKey, operation }) => {
return { isReadable: { equals: true } };
update: ({ session, context, listKey, operation }) => {
return { isUpdatable: { equals: true } };
delete: ({ session, context, listKey, operation }) => {
return { isDeletable: { equals: true } };

Filter based access control cannot be used for create operations. If you want to limit create operations, use either access.operation.create or access.item.create.

Item (mutations only)

Item-level access control lets you control which mutative operations can be applied to a list item. Individual functions can be provided for each of the operations, with each function receiving:

  • the input data of the mutation (for create and update operations), and/or
  • the existing item in the database (for update and delete operations).

Each item access type defaults to public unless configured.

These functions must return true if the operation is allowed, or false if it is not allowed.

import { config, list } from '@keystone-6/core';
import { checkbox } from '@keystone-6/core/fields';
export default config({
lists: {
ListKey: list({
access: {
item: {
create: ({ session, context, listKey, operation, inputData }) => true,
update: ({ session, context, listKey, operation, inputData, item }) => true,
delete: ({ session, context, listKey, operation, item }) => true,

Item-level access control is not available for query operations. Applying access control after fetching items would lead to inconsistent pagination behaviour and incorrect count results.

Function Arguments

List-level access control functions are passed a collection of arguments which can be used to determine whether the operation is allowed.

sessionThe current session object. See the Sessions API for details.
contextThe KeystoneContext object of the originating GraphQL operation.
listKeyThe key of the list being operated on.
operationThe operation being performed ('query', 'create', 'update', 'delete').
inputDataFor create and update operations, this is the value of data passed into the mutation. (Item level only)
itemThe existing item being updated/deleted in update and delete operations. (Item level only)

Field Access Control

Keystone also allows you to set up access control on a per-field basis. Rules can be set for read, create and update operations.

Each operation is defined by a function which returns true if access is allowed and false if access is not allowed.


Field-level access control rules are applied after the list level access rules have been applied. Access control rules are only applied to the fields that have an input value provided to the mutation. If any of the provided fields fail their access control check, the whole operation is aborted. The GraphQL API then returns null along with an access denied error.


Field-level access control rules are applied when trying to resolve a field on the output type. If access is denied then the query will still return an item object, but the specific field will return null. No errors will be returned for read access denied.

The read access control is applied to fields returned from both queries and mutations.

import { config, list } from '@keystone-6/core';
import { text } from '@keystone-6/core/fields';
export default config({
lists: {
ListKey: list({
fields: {
fieldName: text({
access: {
read: ({ session, context, listKey, fieldKey, operation, item }) => true,
create: ({ session, context, listKey, fieldKey, operation, inputData }) => true,
update: ({ session, context, listKey, fieldKey, operation, inputData, item }) => true,

Field-level access control is not available for delete operations. Restrict delete operations at the List-level instead with access.operation.delete, access.filter.delete or access.item.delete.

Function Arguments

Field-level access control functions are passed a collection of arguments which can be used to determine whether the operation is allowed.

sessionThe current session object. See the Sessions API for details.
contextThe KeystoneContext object of the originating GraphQL operation.
listKeyThe key of the list being operated on.
fieldKeyThe key of the field being operated on.
operationThe operation being performed ('read', 'create', 'update').
inputDataFor create and update operations, this is the value of data passed into the mutation.
itemThe existing item being read/updated in read and update operations.